Monday, June 30, 2008

Whenever You Want To Find About Something, Plunge Right In!

I am totally swept away by this line in Paulo Coelho's 'Brida'. It just sums up how life is to be lead.

I have discovered the treasure and wealth of books recently. I was not a reader at all. All i read was newspapers and the books in my courses that too out of compulsion. Why i have taken to reading is not because its hip and cool to read but to find myself. The first novel i read was 'If Tomorrow comes' by Sidney Sheldon. A friend recommended it to me and i was amazed how engrossing it can be to read. Since i wasn't use to reading so much and reading to me was purely sedative, it took me a month to finish the book. But then on i have cut down my slowness drastically. I did not read as often even then. Until 'The Secret' happened to me. This book gave a secind life to me practically. I read The Secret at a time when i needed help the most and it sailed me through the most difficult phase of my life. I was addicted to reading then. I spent 2 grand every month to buy books and read and i never regretted it.

I have never felt so enlightened and enriched before as i feel today. Brida has shown me a new direction. I was distressed about a lot of things when i read this line ' Whenever You Want To Find About Something, Plunge Right In!' and its not funny. Its right - you don't find books, books find you! Its magical how every time the books found me when i just needed that gyaan. This book is about a young woman who is in search of answers. She has to choose between her undying quench for wisdom and her soulmate and the words of wisdom in this book have helped me realise so many things that is was personally seeking.

Although i haven't finished reading the book but the insights and learnings so far have been encouraging. I did not particularly like The Alchemist and picked this book only because i felt it was close to what i was going through i am not dissappointed. Its important to take risks. Its important to choose a path and we often miss out on a lot of things on other paths when we choose one. Its possible that the path you choose may be wrong, but its worthwhile to choose a path sometimes just to prove its the wrong one!

Thanks... i am happier and much more sorted than before. I took a step which i was speculating for so many days and i don't regret. Books are magical... i hope i finish mine soon!

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