Your right is my left, my left is your right so how can i be wrong? To the world if your right your right, if your wrong your left!!!
Its the people who have created words like 'perspective' 'thoughts' 'values' 'mind' 'logic' rationale' and they conviniently forget them. Right and wrong is such an individually driven opinion. What may seem right to you may not be right for me. Doesnt mean i am wrong, it just means my opinion is different. And that is purely because my brain functions differently than yours.
There can be several reasons why i think the way i do. I am brought up differently, my envoirnment is different, my reactions are different and simply because i am a different individual. I have my own independant brain that functions and questions and i cant help it. I cannot stop reasoning and differing and follow the pact like blind sheep.
For years the question of being right and wrong has been debated. I was going through this article on the net that quoted ' What would you do if, during World War II, you were hiding some Jewish people in your home and a Nazi soldier came to your door and asked if there were any Jews inside? Would you tell the truth and consign these innocent people to death, or would you lie to protect them? Most people respond to this question with the “logical conclusion,” that they would lie and protect the Jews'
This question is based on morals but it is a perfect example of how right or wrong depends on the individual and the circumstance at that time. I remember my grandma telling me stories when elders teach you how not to lie to be better humans. Ironically, somebody said that a lie told to save someone's life is never counted as a lie. Which means it may be a lie to u and not to me at that time.
On another site - Primatologists like Frans de Waal have long argued that the roots of human morality are evident in social animals like apes and monkeys. The animals’ feelings of empathy and expectations of reciprocity are essential behaviors for mammalian group living and can be regarded as a counterpart of human morality.Marc D. Hauser, a Harvard biologist, has built on this idea to propose that people are born with a moral grammar wired into their neural circuits by evolution. In a new book, “Moral Minds” (HarperCollins 2006), he argues that the grammar generates instant moral judgments which, in part because of the quick decisions that must be made in life-or-death situations, are inaccessible to the conscious mind. People are generally unaware of this process because the mind is adept at coming up with plausible rationalizations for why it arrived at a decision generated subconsciously. If this is true and proved, it will shake the very basis of Right and Wrong.
Who makes right and wrong? Somebody who felt guilt after doing something must have felt that this particular thing is wrong... and A particular thing is right just because it makes u socially acceptable. How cool is that? if there was to be so much uniformity in the way people are we would have had one GIANT GOD BRAIN to control all of us humans. We would not have been planted with independant brains ryt? The article also has an interesting example 'Assume now you are on a bridge overlooking the track. Ahead, five people on the track are at risk. You can save them by throwing down a heavy object into the path of the approaching train. One is available beside you, in the form of a fat man. Is it O.K. to push him to save the five?
Most people say no, although lives saved and lost are the same as in the first problem.
Why does the moral grammar generate such different judgments in apparently similar situations? It makes a distinction, Dr. Hauser writes, between a foreseen harm (the train killing the person on the track) and an intended harm (throwing the person in front of the train), despite the fact that the consequences are the same in either case. It also rates killing an animal as more acceptable than killing a person.'
Most people say no, although lives saved and lost are the same as in the first problem.
Why does the moral grammar generate such different judgments in apparently similar situations? It makes a distinction, Dr. Hauser writes, between a foreseen harm (the train killing the person on the track) and an intended harm (throwing the person in front of the train), despite the fact that the consequences are the same in either case. It also rates killing an animal as more acceptable than killing a person.'
Interesting i must say! I have often encountered this situation of being stuck between a right and a wrong. Unfortunately i have been on the wrong side most of the times and felt guilty about it for a long long time. Now i dont which is why i am writing all this. Nobody is wrong, not that everything is right! But one must always weight the reasons circumstances and background of each right or wrong... these two words can actually change a lot of thing around us... Relationships for sure! I have only thing to say, think what you think is right if that makes you happy coz for me you are wrong!
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