Friday, May 09, 2008


I stumbled like my words, did the best I could
Damn, misunderstood
Intentions Good.
- John Bon Jovi

Understood is such an over rated word really! Whoever discovered/created it must've been the most mis-understood person himself which is why the word came out of frustration!

Out of the 6.6 billion humans alive on earth today 6.5 surely feel they have been misunderstood by someone or the other at some point of time. Its quite frustrating when you say something and the other person conviniently interprets according to his or her own convinience. May be not convinience, may be intelligence or thinking! The misery is everybody is misunderstood in this world so who is right after all?

But i want to know why misunderstandings happen after all! I open the question to all of you reading the post. Share with me Why do you feel misunderstood? I tried to google it and this amazing site has an englightening answer "Misunderstandings happen because people do not really understand"...i mean EINSTEIN must have changed positions in his grave a thousand times after this genius answer!!!!

I am a victim of this psychological disorder 'Syndrome of perpetual Misunderstanding' where i feel everybody just fails to match up to my thinking. it takes me zillion words and zillionx10 hours to explain what i feel and what i mean. i felt like i was talking to a wall most of the times just feeling like a loser thinking the person is such a frigging idiot he/she doesnt understand me! but dude when i discovered everybody in the world thinks like that then there must be a problem with the way of thinking. Sincerely get a life! i got one soon or atleast am getting one now! I am no great shake that my way of thinking is miles apart from other people. So if i am not being understood i either change they way i speak or change the language!

I have seen people pulling their hair apart and relationship crumbling due to lack of understanding. Dude somebody tell me what the heck on earth does that mean???? when two people speak the same language and they pretty much know each other how can any intangible thing like MISUNDERSTANDING affect a living relaionship? how on earth can anything not be solved by talking? I am totally impossible at times when i don't want to listen but what you say i understand and at time i do empathise. constantly repeating 'you dont understand' wont help! i mean how many times have i heard the words 'you dont understand', 'you dont seem to understand me', 'you just dont understand' that it can go round the world in a chain 10 times. ha ha hahe

Most of the people i see together i see them psychiatrically only trying to understand each other. 'Ok, if i say this he will react this way, so i guess must say it this way'. everything becomes mechanical and there aint no surprise left anymore. its such a pity that the life we get we spend on only understanding other humans who just walk like u talk like u and think like u! I can almost write a book on 'understanding'

Uff such an overrated word in all languages marked bold, italisized and underlined 30 time. Really! But yeah dont forget to let me know aaj ke 10 crore ke sawal ka jawab - Why do you feel misunderstood!!!

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