Sunday, November 13, 2016

The war I did not choose to fight

The last 2 months have been hard. Very very hard. I thought i was fine, i was holding up well. But work was temporary distraction i guess. I found myself in the dark space again. In my head i was fighting a war. So my family finally knows about it. I couldn't deal with it all alone. Its a hard battle to fight when you live alone in a city that can kill you every single moment, where nobody would find out whether you are or aren't till a foul smell doesn't disturb their life.

Yep! That's how sick my thoughts get. I don't want to be alone. I don't have the strenght physically and a lot of other things-wise to fight this war. I am visiting a new doctor this Monday, back to medications and counselling.

But what happened since my last post to now is a lot of people spoke to me about feeling similar things. I was taken aback. I am not alone, believe so are you! I was very happy they reached out to me. Someone to say the least! It's very important. Its brave to recognise how you feel, identify there is a problem in the first place and then the wish to rectify it is a big step in itself.

'Depression is living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die.' 

To all those struggling with mental issues of any degree, please reach out the moment you realise you don't belong there! I am no expert here, i am struggling myself. Let me give you a knee jerk by telling you, it is merely a disbalance of chemicals in your head. Medicine and food can bring it back to normal, but that cannot happen until you have any willingness to help yourself.

Sometime in history i remember watching a documentary on the magical brain. A very interesting theory said that sadness is a result of low dopamine in the brain. This is the unsexy truth of this problem. Low Dopamine level can be dangerously addictive. I'll tell you how. When your natural levels drop, you take drugs that induce Dopamine. The brain experiences a sudden rush of pleasure, that what it seeks. So it looks for more of it. That's how you get addicted to drugs. You cannot consume these drugs if the natural level is balanced, so the brain never lets your level be normal, hence leaving you addicted to medicine or even drugs like cocaine etc. Ugly, isn't it!

But i will point down the few things that have tremendously helped me naturally get my head to a balance and i feel can help anyone.

1. Feeling Low - this is a constant in my life. Nothing excites me anymore. So i push myself to do things that i previously found exciting. Travel, sing, dance, party, adventure or whatever the heck it means! PUSH yourself out of the low. You will never experience a high instantly but atleast from the dumps you will come to ground zero. That's some growth! Go for walks, get some exercise. Join a gym, swim, run, walk your dog, walk your human... just go out!

2. Hopelessness - I swear on Almighty, nothing gives me more hope than seeing other people. I go to crowded places, often coffee shops or markets or parks and observe people. Lot of them thought i was a creep but really, i was just reading them, on their exteriors i was trying to read the stories within. I also attended a few self help workshops. I took to chanting. To each his own really. But hope is everywhere. Mostly when i see myself under a roof, getting two square meals, I feel privileged.

3. Low self esteem - Honestly, i haven't come through this fully, so i cannot make fake comments

4. Feeling tearful or guilt ridden - aaah damn! all the time, for no reason! I listen to music. Science is really not stupid and those who spent their lives on researching the benefits of music for healing depression werent mental after all! Music actually helps. My neighbors think i am cuckoo, but i sing aloud when i get teary or guilty! I sing my lungs out... it not only elevates my chemical, it also releases happy hormones. Try not sing 'tooth dil ke gaane' I have marked a happy playlist for such times. It helps! Also, i fake smile sometimes. Like i look into the mirror and smile as wide as i can. I try to feel it as well...

5. Finding it difficult to focus or make decisions - While i am writing this, i have 3 other windows open. Word docs, i have work, i have to write but i haven't been able to focus on either for more than 5 mins. Meditation helps. Nothing spiritual about it really. Doesnt make you any less cooler. Just that, it trains your mind to focus on the moment. I read somewhere 'Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts, its about not letting your thoughts control your mind'. Try it! I have moved to 'Theta Meditation' and it has opened my mind a lot. I haven't unlocked my 100% yet but i will get there soon

6. Self Harm - This is the worst zone! The moment there is a thought like that, just make a call to someone, talk to someone, random, anyone, about anything. Go down, talk to your chowkidar for all you care! Just don't be alone at that point. Alcohol is your worst enemy if your thoughts are suicidal. Alcohol drops you mood, hence i request not to resort to it. Suicidal thoughts can, in an instant, become reality. For anyone who has ever been here, you know how close you've been to end of story! Please have a friend on speed dial and make that call before you do anything to yourself.

The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.

Please don't sit sad, don't let your brain get addicted to sadness. Seek help, or self help. We're not dying of this, so don't kill yourself already please.

PS: Feeling depressed and suffering from depression are two phenomenally different things. Pls consult a qualified doctor and not Web MD your symptoms before self diagnosing!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Dark Side of Me

'It's a phase, you'll be fine"

"Just snap out of it, go meet people, do what you like"

"Doctor's n all is bull crap, stop all this medication. Stop believing something's wrong with you"

These are just a few very common advices i got while i was battling with the worst nightmare of my life. It crawled in without knocking once. Its dark shadow had engulfed me before i knew it. I couldn't do anything but get sucked into it. I did not want to meet people, i did not want to socialise, i did not feel like faking it as well, I felt hopeless, fatigued without doing anything, i put on weight, i just wanted to sleep through the day, cry, eat and die.

Nothing that i loved doing interested me anymore. I became negative, i had no one to talk to, i felt like no one wanted me around anymore. To add to my misery i had no work, some of my very close people left me, people around me spoke ill of me, my talent and ability to work was questioned, i was declared a nincompoop. I struggled with this goddamn illness for a whole year n a half. The person i shared the roof with also never found out what i was going through. Nobody! Nobody until today. Because i choose to write about it.

Clinical Depression. Borderline Personality Disorder. I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago along with insomnia. I wrote about it a year ago on FB but one of my very highly educated friends asked me to pull it off because i am not 'Deepika Padukone' and i should not seek sympathy. But i would like to inform my dear educated friend that EMPATHY is what a person in my condition needs and bullshit pep talk will not help. When i was socially disconnected, all i needed was a hand that reaches out to me to pull me out of this dark space. When it became too much for me to bear, i went on medication. For a year... i was on pills twice a day, i was barely in my senses because i was always groggy, slurring because of the heavy dosage, hazy and still trying to hold on to something good in life that will keep me away from doing the condemned.

Life isn't easy. I went for a script narration to a reputed Production house and messed it up so bad, i never was called back for any work there. Can't blame them. I have lost insane amount of work because of how i approached it during this battle. I had no money to pay up rent because i wasn't working. I ate off my savings. The little amount of work i did, paid me enough to survive in this city. My concentration was zero, i couldnt focus on work for more than 5 minutes. So most people thought i was inconsistent. Medicines messed with my BP and i was passing out anywhere, people joked i am so bored i was sleeping everywhere.

I realise in the past 2 years how little people know about depression or any mental illness for that matter. My doctor tells me, depression takes a good 10 years to slip in till you realise the damage it has done. That explains, the occurances in my life 10 years ago have now shown its ugly face. I am good at putting up a happy face. In worst of my days, my closest people never found out what i was going through. Because i was never hospitalised na! People take notice only when you're in that bed with drips hanging from your wrists, when you post selfies like wow sucha big event! But, I would smile through it. This time was different. I couldn't smile. People assumed and tagged me 'ANTI-SOCIAL'. 'Don't do drama' was most commonly said, Well thank you! Such kind words!!!

Mental illness is far deeper and irrepairable than most people think. One can be cured of depression yes, but the damage it does, stays with you for life and changes you as a person forever. It's not as easy as 'Yaar, i can't take this vacation, i am so depressed'. Once you go on that vacation, you won't be depressed anymore. With me, i wouldn't want to go on a vacation, even if i do, i will still be depressed.

I voluntarily got off pills this January, i refused to battle anymore. I know it was a mistake, i shouldn't self diagnose my condition. My doctor yelled at me but i refused to pop pills anymore. I struggle with dark days on and off because i did not continue my medication. For these 21 months in the past have taught me a lot. Who my true friends are, where i stand, who i am, people's expectations of me and who must stay in my life. For all those who saw my status last time, I am recovering, slowly. I will get there. Soon.

Only a few people knew about my situation, my sister, my best friends Shardul & Charu. Had it not been for these 3, i would have perhaps not been alive to write about the past 21 months. Shardul came back from Abu Dhabi at the right time when i needed him the most. Charu was away, we spoke on phone, she made time to speak with me on phone and make sure i am alright. My sister, with her pregnancy, ensured i am not stressed. Shardul made every possible effort to pull me out of my confinement and make me meet new people, take me out for movies, plant me in a situation where i am compelled to laugh. Charu, despite her own struggles has been a strong support and my sounding off board.

I have a few things to tell people -
1. Depression is not a state of the mind, its a disease, like cancer, cholera, swine flu or anything that basically gets your sympathy going.
2. Do not, for heavens sake, advice a person in depression to 'snap out of it, its a phase'. Because you my fellas are the worst equipped to help anyone out. God save you!
3. Please, observe people around you, the change in their behaviour, the change in their face. People who are depressed are not going to walk up to you and say 'hey i am depressed, come hang with me'. YOU have to extend that hand out to help, if they really matter to you.

Depression is not glamorous. It can happen to anyone. Be kind if not anything else. For all those who walked away during this time, God Bless you, may you have only happy people around around you! For those who stayed, i owe my life to you. Things will change, I still have hope.

I am fine, i am feeling better.... baby steps :)

Friday, April 01, 2016


I am unbeautiful.
I am 35. I have been in and out of relationships. All of them, more painful than the previous. All of them made me feel like I was just an option. I am pretty. I am told so, and i believe i am not unattractive for sure. I am intelligent. I know i am. I am smart, i am talented. I love to travel. I give space. I don't question too much. I don't pester too much. I seek space. I am not nagging. I am not unforgiving. I am accomadating. I am adjusting. I don't talk a lot, but there are positive exceptions to this. I am independant. I can fix my own appliances. I am a good driver. I cook fairly well. I love cooking. I eat a lot. I am not fussy. I am fashionable. I am stylish. I have a unique sense of style. I am very individualistic. I am a loner, yet i love people. I love animals. I love movies. I am funny. I am extremely witty. I can mimic. I sing well. I talk blunt. I am adventurous. I travel alone. I have tattoos. I am slightly tomboyish, yet feminine when i need to be. I dance decently. I am strong physically.

Yet, i am single. There is not a single man on this planet who loves me for who i am. Not a single man who would want to accept me.

I don't want to be unloved! I want someone to love me wholly. I dont want to return to an empty home. Where no one is waiting for me. I want to be someone's first choice. I want someone to wake me up with a kiss. I want to wrap my arms around someone to go to sleep. If i stay awake i want to chat with someone all night. I want to walk holding hands. I want someone to hold me from behind when i am unaware. I want to put my head on his shoulder when another girl looks at him just to show he's mine. I want to travel with him. I want to watch movies. I want to watch sunrises and sunsets together. I want to not be talented, if that is a problem. I am fine being less talented than that someone. I will nag if that is going to fetch me love. I will harass, not adjust, be adamant, stubborn and argumentative. I will pester. I will keep calling and checking upon. Will leave no room to breathe if that helps. I will bang the car while i reverse. I will ruin electronics and pretend like i never even touched them! I will wear frills, flown gowns, paint my nails like every other girl. I will laugh at jokes after 2 hours or laugh non stop for 2 hours. I will go 'aaaaawwwwwww' when i see cute puppies. I will articulate. I will train to sing and dance. I won't get adventurous at all. I will hide my tattoos, unfortunately i can't undo them. I will behave frail. If only all this fetches me love.

I have not been complimented in ages. I have not been told how beautiful i am. I have not been reminded how i may be centre of someones world. Nobody finds me attractive? Nobody? Nobody feels i am worthy of their love? Not a single man that would want to spend some time with me... let alone a lifetime. I am everything a man seeks in his woman, yet i am single. What is not working for me? May be i am just.... unbeautiful.