The fact is, I would like to re-emphasize, I love my country too much to see anybody maligning it. Only that I have a curious mind and I question everything that puzzles me. I genuinely feel that we as a country are two faced. We say something when we do something else. Its unfortunate that an entire nation so progressive is that regressive in its thoughts. No progress can ever happen unless we progress in our thoughts and in turn actions.
We are broad minded is a very ‘cool’ thing to say. So many parents say that they are broad minded and yet when their children do something not so acceptable, they are grounded. I have been thinking about this for long. It started in Indore when our office was raided by the Bajrang Dal protesting against us celebrating V-day. Out of the many protestors defaming us and cursing us for celebrating what they feel is ‘anti-India’ culture, I saw atleast three of them by the evening dating their girls by the evening in a swanky cafĂ©! How pro culture is that? Such a bunch of sanctimonious goons. All of them actually. They believe in convenient truth, convenient facts and convenient religion. It gets twisted whenever they want. Such a shame!
Innumerable incidents that I can think of off the cuff, Sania Mirza wearing short clothes for tennis was issues a fatwah against and what about the Nigar Khan’s and Mumaith Khan’s who don’t wear anything! Hritik and Ash were subject to a silly PIL for their sizzling kiss on screen when I am sure the person must have enjoyed watching it, rewinding and playing it a zillion times, more than anybody! Many more really…
I very strongly support sex education at school level. Look at our ‘leaders’ who want to build an ideal country, so subconscious creating a monster beneath, the monster of lack of education about the most basic instinct in our race. I don’t understand if you send them to pre-pre-school at a tender age of 2+ where they anyway pick up habits and culture that you don’t want them to, so why hold back education that is so important. Are we fools to blind ourselves to the fact that this generation is far far ahead of us in terms of access to information of any kind. Information that can be misleading or may be even irrelevant. Who has given us the right to hold back information anyway? What do these politicians and so called moral polices have to say about teenage pregnancies, child rapes and sexual molestation in schools? The biggest health threat world over is AIDS and everybody is struggling to curb it at whatever level possible. Drugs being invented, crores being spent on the medicine, massive education and awareness campaigns run across and we are doing nothing to help it. How good would you feel when your children get all the wrong information from somewhere else? How would you feel if they are contracted with AIDS, god forbid! Who are you going to blame? SEX, was given to the world by us. We are boastful of the fact that we have temples devoted to sex and it still attracts tourists by the thousands. Why do we hide in shame what is so part of our culture?

Bangalore – women beaten up by the Sree Ram Sena, a self proclaimed culture police, for going to a pub! They call themselves Ram Sena. When in the name of god did Ram teach anybody to beat women up? Well, actually less should I speak about the Indian god culture also. Our ancient temples and drawings always depicted women’s nude upper half and we talk of clothes that are anti-culture! Such an oxymorn! We worship Lord Shiva, in the form of a shiv-ling. What exactly is a shivling? It’s a male genital progressing out of a female base. A shivling is always found with a yoni. The symbol can be deciphered in many ways. The most common being, Lord Shiva is considered to be the destroyer of life form thus giving way to creation of new. The symbol hence stands for creation of life. It’s the androgynous communion of energies and universe.

Another very interesting story I learnt a few days ago. My friend who is extremely fond of food and has a fair amount of knowledge about it shared this with me. The Goddess of food is offered rice and ghee. Lord Shiva had invited her to earth to beg for Rice (bheeksha) which he then distributed throughout the world. The rice was not cleansed unless it was mixed with ghee. Apparently ghee is a representation of Lord Shiva’s sperm. So only when ghee is mizxed with the rice is it pure enough to be given away to the world. Ghee was what he had mixed in the many ingredients that gave birth to Lord Ganesha.
So, are you hiding in shame already? Our race is the proud creator of the world’s most respected literature ‘Kamasutra’. We have the richest culture in the whole of the universe yet we cannot hold our stand? We are ready to kill in the name of religion but are united in useless things, a religion that was never a religion. Hinduism, is a way of life not a religion. We are such a pretentious crowd. We make believe in a delusion and ignore the facts. We make our own rules that change according to our convenience. Our religion is merely a cover up for a lot of our angst inside that we take out in such a disgraceful manner. We hide behind what we should ideally defend. I wish this country was not so cowardly and regressive about its thinking. I wish for a brighter country with really broadminded leaders in every sense.
I have very few good options to choose from the current contestants, so my vote, I am not sure would go for the deserving candidate. Yet I hope that one day, one among us will stand up to clean the dirt in our minds. As for now, I can write, so I have.
PS: I am not an atheist, neither am I anti-religion and certainly not here to hurt any feelings. I am a staunch Hindu and I have worshipped all the aforesaid deities with no less respect and faith. My issue is with the people who twist the facts and run away from it. I have a problem with people who have double standards. Rest can rest in peace.
1 comment:
I said to one of your earlier posts that you seem to be really angry. Now I am saying - if it makes you write so well, please be angry always! I will look forward to it.....
I would strongly recommend a book to you, unless you have already read it - Being Indian by Pavan Verma. He explains beautifully why we Indians are ambivalent (which is a more polite way of saying two-faced!) and more importantly, why we are likely to rule the world because of the way we are. He says, Indians will become a force not because of what they think they are, but because of what they actually ARE.
An aspiring govt. contractor who gives bribes left right and center to get his coveted permit, also goes to the temple on the way back home and distributes food to beggars! How do you explain that?
You have specifically referred to sex education. Ironically, just about a couple of hours ago (which means 2 am) I was talking to a friend who just returned from the US, having conducted some programs for schoolchildren. Now strangely, the average age for girls to attain puberty in India is considered 11-12, while in USA it is 14! So he was telling me about these two 12-year old girls who talked to him there. Both of them had had sex, not even knowing what they were doing (rather, what was being done unto them) but were sadly aware to ask him this question - will I get pregnant? He was at a loss of words to tell them that they can't be pregnant because that would also send wrong signals.
I couldn't agree with you more. As far as matters of the birds and the bees are concerned, we Indians have spent the last several decades being Ostriches, with our heads in the sand.
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