Happy Faces!!! That's because we have someway made a lot of people happy today. 9 months of painful labour has resulted into an ecstatic delivery! My 4th and the gang's FIRST. So you know why they look so happy.
One thing I realised today, no matter how redundant the joy may be it never fails to make you happy. Its not how repetitive it is but how every time it brings the same amount of joy in our lives. Everytime i insert that song "Maa tujhe Salaam" it sends chills down my spine, every time the song ends for the 1st jock talk to begin it makes me emotional.. everytime i come out of the studio after the links it makes me nostalgic and its fantastic.
Indore, Jaipur, Aurangabad and now Nagpur! The places may be geographically apart but the nervous faces don't change, the anxeity remains the same. Its amazing really how the air suddenly changes. The perspective changes in turn. Before we came in i am sure nobody cared to even look at the radio, now tomorrow will bring about the biggest change in each one of us. We get more aware of who listens, what they listen to, why they listen to, how many people have their handsfree on and speculate what channel they may be listening to even if they only talking on fone! How we become possesive about everything that is associated with us or vice a versa.
I remember when we go to cinema halls everytime we see our logos we shout and clap and cheer like we own the brand. That milli second makes us so proud in the crowd of 500 people. When we walk into events flaunting our status it makes us feel like we are mini stars. Such an illusive world but after all its happy! Nothing is wrong really with having a world of ur own as long its keeping you happy and not harming anybody else.
The world was created for us at 4.30 pm today... the video and pics say it all.... today am proud to have existed to have been a part of probably the most anticipated joy of the city. I am glad i am a carrier of god's most humbling emotion - SMILE which we would successfully bring to million faces from this day on. Asawari, Soni, Pritam, Vallari, MIlind, Denny, Anup and the rockstar Bhaggu-Glad to have a team which will translate each emotion on air. ROCK ON... make more faces happy. That's the reward you get every single second.
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