Evident without proof or argument- axiomatic, self-evident

Some noble soul said 'Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you've become a comfortable, trusted element in another person's life.' Nice to live with this feeling though that's not true, we know!
The worst that can happen to anybody is being taken for granted. Seems like your a lesser creature, everyone looks down on you or worst, ignore you totally! Argh, i really want to grab people by their collar shake them up and ask them who gave them this right to decide how to treat anybody this way. Just because you survived for the longest time you're existing! Duh too bad... perhaps you don't have the vision to see beyond that! May be being 'THERE' just blocks your sight.
Sometimes i feel that this may be an indication that its high time now! Or may be time to introspect. But that i do all the time. That's how i came to this conclusion.... being taken for granted! It's not easy living up to your own words. When you commit to something - relationships, life, work anything, Live up to it. Only those people are valued who have the gut to live their word. I have seen many who make hollow promises and commit to something they can never fulfill and eventually end up losing all respect they earned. I fail to understand how do they face themself after that? What stops you? Am i not capable of sustaining what you expected of me or just that you plain simple are insecure i might cross your expectation! There has to be some reason and i want one.
Sometimes there seems to be no end to this trap. The only way from here is out, since the inward movement has been restricted. I feel sad for those who don't believe. Belief in their own word, their own thought, their own people. I feel sad, you will lose me!
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