Sunday, July 25, 2010


Dark blue, indigo almost. Swirls of turquoise and silver kiss the face. The white lace fills with verve suddenly and dances up and down uncontrollably. Her hair velvet glide in directions that ripples take it to. Her face reflects the moonlit silver softness. The light from above the sky sieves and scatters at the surface to spread thousands of tiny light balls. Her irregular breath releases bubbles that wobble up to taste the sun. Darkness is lit up by the sheen of the light pink gown. She is insubstantial and floating in the blackness like she has no resistance. She doesn’t care where she is taken as long as she glides. Her locks giggle up and down like the octopus. Her body scoops through the water like fish. She breathes in the water and another bubble erupts and casually floats till it dies. She dissolves in the water. The surface pulls her feet up and she tries to restrain them. Her body curls up as she desperately tries to pull her feet down. Sudden burst of bubbles… disturbance in the water… ripples turning still water into gobbles. A struggle that lasted for a while till… the ground finally pulled her down. Her gown turned pale. The light grew brighter on her. Her hair draped her face and her big brown eyes still managed to peep put of it. She surrendered to the water and she Float… to her eternity. 

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