Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sulk... finally!

so there is a thorn in my heart... its been there for many years now and i have got so use to it that it exists only when it hurts.

I hate to be sad, negative and upset over things in life. The life that we live is far superior than that of most 'things' around us so we really have no reason to complain. So what if we do not have enough and more money, so what if we are unhappy about the way our live functions, so what if people around u are not the ones you'd choose to live with... so what! We are privilaged and i mean it, to be living a life where we get to experience such vividity and diversity in the worst complexities.

I often imagine... when the dog in our house gets ignored does he complain? When the fish in the pond are not spoken to, do they feel bad? When the bird in the cage doesn't get to celebrate new year, does it mind? or the cat when not loved enough does it feel less important or cared for? We are so far far superior to many living on the planet sharing our space and it is such a waste of a life to be complaining.

The aura gets disturbed, suddenly you get depressed and everything becomes gloomy for no apparent reason really! i would be such a daft to be just let go of the life that i coming to me without any efforts. Anyway i would really not want to sulk anymore... coz thats not me!

for all those who do... i pity them... such a waste of oxygen they are!

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