25th Nov, 2011: this date will also have a special mention on my gravestone. The reason is simple, i met SRK on this day. I have met him 3 times before what is the big deal today? So this day on my 4th meeting i actually 'MET' him. It is a feeling beyond words to be embraced by SRK, to be in the same space as him not because he is a film star, but because he is what he is without a godfather in an industry that thrives on them. I have immense love and deep respect for what SRK is today, what he has achieved on his own just chasing a dream. I have a dream too and when i met him it gave me that confidence and the drive to chase it like a mad cow. What is so special about him after all? I was like a teenage spellcound starstruck school girl giggling in the crowd looking at SRK. Litle did i know what was gonna hit me. I have always been introduced as someones associate, assisting on something somewhere... It is a feeling of great pride to meet SRK as me. As a person who is something by her own merit. The way people look at achievers and achievements is different and so applies to SRK. I probably wouldnt be in the same space had i not achieved something or have been worthy enough in life to be there. I came back completely and totally awesttruck.... impressed and swept away by his charm and warmth. Another dream fulfilled... strike it off my list.... this man gives me the courage to dream... and dream big.... i should've ideally written this post right after i came back from the party... i was too excited actually.... am posting after a long time and nothing inspired me to write all these days... but this is a sure shot worth sharing piece.... SRK you will remain my first love always.