What goes up has to come down. Perhaps this high was too exciting to scare her of the low. She isn't prepared for what is actual. She isn't least prepared for the hike. The tiny white flowers spread around the arms of the mountain like sheets of satin in uniform floral prints. The spreads of green lay like velvet icing and her bare feet depress the grass to mark their presence. The dew has made her route slippery and the mist in the air makes it harder for her to breathe. She wont stop. She pauses, breathes harder and moves ahead. The clouds have hazed her vision. She squeezes her eyes to narrow her vision and she walks over the green velvet carpet laid for her. The scent of the high draws her closer. This uncontrollable rush of emotions, thoughts and anxiety pumps her with the energy to go on. Clouds make way like curtains drawn from a surprise. Her eyes fill with extreme joy can't seem to believe what was like the end of the world in front of them. She was there. The point of no return. She was up there. Above everyone. She was high. A high that few get to experience. A high that was so high that if it engulfed you, nobody would hear you shriek. So high... so serene... just she and her existance....She walked right upto the edge, spread her arms and hugged the high that awaited her. The clouds began clearing, like in the fairy tales. She looked down with no end to her grin. The breeze was harder and swept her hair in all directions..... this high gave her wings... and now she wanted to fly. She closed her eyes... kissed the sun, and embraced the depth as the breeze quietly airlifted her. Downwards was easier and smoother. Her mind was zero but peace prevailed on her face. She was high, the only thought.... What goes up...must come down.